Install android emulator on expo
Install android emulator on expo

  1. #Install android emulator on expo for free#
  2. #Install android emulator on expo how to#
  3. #Install android emulator on expo install#
  4. #Install android emulator on expo for android#
  5. #Install android emulator on expo android#

#Install android emulator on expo android#

To do that, go to Settings on your Android device and navigate to the About Device section. To enable USB debugging, you’ll need to unlock the Developer Options first. USB debugging makes it possible for the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to push APKs to your phone. Before we do that, let’s make sure the device and your computer are able to communicate properly. In this section, we’ll be running our project on an actual Android device. Running the App on a Physical Android Device That is, in a case where your project has a different name. TIP: Replace helloReactNative with the actual name of your project. Run the following commands to navigate to the project folder: cd helloReactNative The name of the new folder is the same as the name of your project. Once created, you’ll find a new folder in your current directory. Open a new terminal window or command prompt if you’re on a Windows PC and run the following command: npx react-native init helloReactNativeĪfter you hit the enter key, wait for the new project setup to complete. Creating a New Project With React Native CLI If you already have a project setup, you can skip the section. In the next section, we’ll be creating a new React Native project, which we’ll use to test our setup so far. Open the control panel (in category view), then navigate to Systems and Security → Systems. On the other hand, if you’re on a Windows PC, you’ll need to add a new environment variable via the control panel. Alternatively, you can run source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.zshevn (depending on the type of terminal you have). To reload the new configuration, restart your terminal. After that, paste the following code to the file: export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdkĮxport PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/binĮxport PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools Run either sudo nano ~/.bash_profile (for bash) or sudo nano ~/.zshenv (for zsh) to edit your shell configuration file. macOS Setupįollow these steps to set up environment variables on your macOS computer. This step will allow React Native to interact with the Android SDK via the command line. Hence, we can proceed to add the Android SDK to our environment variables.

#Install android emulator on expo install#

You can install JDK 8 using any method you prefer.Īt this point, we have Android Studio and JDK 8 installed. However, the instructions linked above involve using an executable installer. There are multiple ways of installing JDK-for example, using Homebrew on macOS. Below are links to the official download pages and installation instructions for Windows and macOS users: Installing JDK 8Īs mentioned earlier in the requirements, you’ll need to install JDK 8 if you don’t have it installed already. The process might take a while, depending on your internet connection. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet, then follow the setup wizard to install all dependencies. The additional files include the Android SDK, platform tools, and emulator. The first time you run Android Studio, it’ll prompt you to install additional files. Once you’re done with the installation process, go ahead and start Android Studio. After that, launch the executable and follow the prompts to complete the installation process. To install Android Studio, download the Android Studio setup file here. Android Studio is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

#Install android emulator on expo for free#

It’s available for free and can be downloaded from the official website.

#Install android emulator on expo for android#

Installing Android Studio and Android SDKĪndroid Studio is the official IDE for Android application development.

  • JDK 8 (installation instructions for macOS here and Windows here).
  • The following are required in order to run a React Native app on Android:

    #Install android emulator on expo how to#

    We’ll close with learning how to test run React Native apps created using the Expo CLI and also how to test React Native apps using a tool known as Waldo. After that, we’ll look at how to run an example React Native app on the emulator and on a physical Android device. In this post, we’ll walk through all the initial setup required to set a suitable development environment. However, running React Native apps on Android requires some initial setup. The process can be as simple as connecting your Android device to the computer you use for development and running a command. If you own a physical Android device and prefer to test your app on it, React Native has got you covered there too. For example, you can set up an emulator based on a device like the Google Pixel and use your preferred version of the Android operating system. Using the Android Virtual Device offers a wide variety of virtual devices that can be emulated. With React Native, you can choose to test run your app either on an emulator or on a physical device.Īn emulator is a virtual device that lets you test your app without owning an actual device. React Native is a mobile development framework for building cross-platform apps that run and feel truly native on both iOS and Android.

    Install android emulator on expo